
上个月的顶级社区贡献者| 2023年4月

Welcome to our monthly article highlighting the top community contributors for April 2023.

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司, we believe that collaboration and connection between people are essential for building a thriving community. We also understand the value of businesses that give back to their communities, 我们为庆祝这些节日而感到自豪.

在本文中, we'll be highlighting some of the most helpful and active members of our community who generously shared their time, 上个月与他人分享了知识和专业知识.


We encourage participation and want to foster a place where people can share their expertise and learn from one another. 全球最大的博彩平台数字社区拥有丰富的知识, 我们希望确保每个人都能访问并从中受益. 

We'd also like to highlight the top 10 community article contributions posted by members last month: 

打破系统性性别障碍的七个步骤 GlobalLogic UK&I 

“Despite progress over the years, women are still significantly underrepresented in tech. 系统性的性别障碍——比如无意识的偏见, 缺乏受教育的机会, and cultural norms – can make it difficult for women to break into the tech industry. 但是我们如何打破这些障碍呢?

按照我们简单的一步一步指南来寻找答案. Whether you break down one barrier or obliterate them all, any progress is positive.”

人性化:科技行业需要记住,员工不是机器人 作者:Skout PR

“又一周,科技行业又一轮大规模裁员. 亚马逊(Amazon)和Meta裁减了数千个工作岗位, 以及Salesforce和Twitter的进一步裁员, 这感觉有点像科技世界最近一直在崩溃. 这当然是我们在B2B技术公关工作所关心的, 但对开发者来说更重要的是, 工程师, 产品经理, 事实上,任何被这些公司裁掉的人, 考虑到他们是如何被解雇的,以及他们接下来要做什么,这令人担忧. The pendulum seems to have swung from there being a dearth of tech talent with businesses fighting over it not that long ago, 到供过于求的情况.

然而,前景可能并不像有时感觉的那么黯淡. 事实上, many analysts believe that this contraction is more of a market correction following the rush to digitisation as a result of the pandemic. 是的, the tech industry seems to have been hit hardest – but no industry is immune from the rising costs that are causing redundancies to be made everywhere.”

创业公司常犯的11个错误以及如何避免 作者:Blu Sky.

“With so many moving parts to consider it is important take steps to ensure you don’t make mistakes that slow your progress, 以后会回来缠着你,或者让你陷入英国税务海关总署的困境.

在蓝天, one of our areas of expertise is start-ups and supporting them throughout their business journey.

多年来,我们与数百家初创企业合作,所以我们看到了一切. 为了帮助你,我们分享了11个常见错误以及如何避免它们.”

Powering Tech 创业公司: The Vital Role of Product Marketing in Driving Success 作者:Bright Spaces.

“In today's fast-paced world, we're seeing new tech startups pop up every day. While many of these startups have amazing ideas, only a few of them make it to the top. 那么,秘诀是什么呢? The ones that succeed are the ones that have the right product marketing strategy in place. 产品营销在科技创业公司的成功中起着至关重要的作用, 在这篇博文中, 我们将探究其中的原因.”

招聘机构面临哪些网络安全威胁? 由网络复原中心提供.

“Recruitment agencies are built on trust – your clients and candidates need to know their personal data is safe in your hands. 如果你之前没有考虑过你的网络弹性, you must know the cyber security risks the recruitment sector faces and how to mitigate them.

82%的英国招聘公司采用了某种形式的混合工作, 你还需要确保在家工作的员工是安全的.”

如何与员工谈论压力和担忧 戴尔·卡内基·诺斯

“Much of the country is suffering from escalating levels of worry and anxiety due to external environmental factors – political, 经济, and ecologic – along with the impact of rising inflation rates and the cost of living. 人们对燃料感到不安, 食物, and energy costs with the very real prospect that it’s only going to get worse…Evidence has shown that stress and worry in our personal lives impact our work quality and level of performance. 作为领导者, 因此,我们需要承认, 对同事的担忧和担忧感兴趣并感同身受, 尤其是在当前的经济环境下. 领导层应该探索他们能提供什么支持. 许多管理者, 然而, don’t do this because they believe they lack the resources or influence to do something. In the first instance, it’s about opening the conversation and how to have those discussions.”

防止员工之间信息过载:8个建议 by Workspace 365

“信息超载会导致倦怠, 抑郁症, 员工的生产力和创造力下降. It's therefore important for companies to prevent and reduce information overload as much as possible. 然而,说起来容易做起来难. 本文中的技巧将帮助您解决这个问题."

就业法将于2023年4月更新 由Shoosmiths

“In April statutory rates of pay and maximum awards in the Employment Tribunal increase. Given current inflation, the increases this year are higher compared to previous years. 雇主必须确保他们有充足的预算来应对人力成本的上涨.

The key changes to rates and limits that employers need to be aware of are set out below.”

GA4如何提高你的受众理解能力? (视频) 由Door4.

“总的来说, GA4 offers a range of features and improvements that can help you gain a deeper understanding of your audience and their behaviour, which can help you optimise your marketing strategies and improve your business outcomes. 为电子商务和潜在客户的数字化优先业务, 这种迁移是有效和准确的,这一点至关重要. 从跟踪到目标 & funnels, and e-commerce tracking – failure to configure GA4 can be a costly mistake.”

确定你的技术招聘要求 候选人.

“The process of hiring the best talent in a highly competitive field such as IT & Technology can often prove to be a difficult acquisition in what is traditionally a candidate short market. The early identification of key technical requirements in a team enables a more effective recruitment strategy to be implemented. 因此, 前端之间的持续沟通, 后端, tech lead and project management teams will ensure that businesses can identify recruitment requirements in advance… Having recruited for organisations across the UK, we have identified the most common reasons which our clients recruit tech talent.”

